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Raids and Trade Skill Item drops & raid bank

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:23 pm
by Xslia
With the launch of new cultural and augments, and some being "rare" drops, you can imagine what happened the first raid when "low and behold" a porous Loam/exquisite marrow/exquisite spinnert fluid dropped. TONS of spam incoming - everyone wants it, some want for skillup, some want to "try and make a piece" etc.

ALL raid drops, loam, fluid, silk, are RESERVED for augments combines in case one of us FAIL a combine from a raider for an augment. Therefore, everyone is asked to farm, trade, whatever to get the items they need for combines of any type.

All lower level items, pristine, flawless, can be asked for if they are not marked public in guild bank. Those without access to Infinit guild bank, just let one of the raid looters know which one your interested in and we will share what we have after raids split among those that are interested.

There are a few raiders that can make Sublime, if those people choose to make combines for people outside of our raid force - absolutely no raid items from guild bank will be used ever. If on fails, those non-raiders are responsible for covering any combines and re-combines and tips if the Tradeskill person asks.

There is ton's of information posted on what you need, spamming a tradeskill person in the middle of a raid, will get you a simple " talk to me after raids". If that does not suffice, you will be ignored.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:33 pm
by Koutarou
Well said.

Only thing I'd suggest would be that if a tradeskiller is getting an item out of guild bank to replace a failed sublime symbol combine and is both smithing/tailoring 300 to try to prioritize using tailoring, since there is an imbalance in the drops and eventually we may have enough stock in bank that we may want to use some of these to make armor pieces.

Re: Raids and Trade Skill Item drops.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:04 am
by Xslia
We have had recent surge in Cultural augs and gear to the point supplies left in raid bank are almost zilch. Please provide the components needed for all combines , supplies in bank are for failed attempts at combines , it's a one-to-one relationship - one combine if failed, will try a secondary combine using guild bank supplies, if that fails, back to farming - we will not deplete an entire stack of rare items for multiple attempts for an initial failure.

Cultural Gear -
The Shimmering fluids/loams are rare drops, to the point there are NONE in the bank for even a failed combine. Trivia on gear is 500+ - so be prepared for abysmal fail rates. Watch out for bazaar vultures - prices are high on these there also, someone buys up the cheap ones and resells them double the price. Farm a loam/fluid 3x for each piece of gear combine - so far some are 50% and some are 1 out of 3, this weekend I had 1 out of 4 chance on some items.

You will need to farm the Fantastic Silk/Pets and Osium for the sub template combines - these templates also are 500+ trivia. (Osium/Fantastic templates are not the same combines needed for raid templates - different material - so the tempates in bank for raid usage do not work on cultural)

Mechno instructions - back form MMM raid trash days, I have quite a few of these on a bot - but it's not a whole lot - I think I tried to keep 3 each on bot, but since we are not raiding those zones anymore - instructions are not forthcoming to replenish the supply. Farm your instructions - several zones drop these - MMM, Fort Mech, and the Mech Guardian instance. (while your in there - save clockwork pinon gears and shafts for your people who make AoAA boxes).

Converting the mechno into it's instruction = (mecho + ink + parchment + quested book). Guess what - we are next to out on parchment and ink - please farm these before asking for a combine. You can farm the sub componets and one of the TS folks can do the combines if your skill is less then what is needed.

Instruction Parchment : (Baking:trivial 276),
* High Quality Firing Sheet (*)
* Prepared Sporali Skin
o To make Prepared Sporali Skin (Tailoring:trivial 276),
Skinning Knife
Witheran Bile drops from witheran in Undershore, Stoneroot Falls
Sporali Skin drops form mushrooms in Corathus Creep, Undershore, Direwind Cliffs

Scrindite's Instruction Ink (Brewing: trivial 252)
* Celestial Essence (purchased)
* Deepwater Ink : farmed - kedge keep, plane of water, Siren's grotto
* Darkmatter Dust foraged or dropped Gates of Discord zones : Barindu, Ferubi, Natimbi, Qinimi, Riwwi , Tacvi , Uqua, Yxtta , Sewers instance
* Dreadspire Gargoyle Dust dropped from gargoyle : Illisan, Dreadspire,

Re: Raids and Trade Skill Item drops & raid bank

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:53 am
by zorais
"...Watch out for bazaar vultures - prices are high on these there also, someone buys up the cheap ones and resells them double the price..."

I have been working on this problem for more than a month now. There has been one mule that causes all of the current problems. He / She just emptied their stock on me, so while my supplies last raiders can get cheap materials from me. I have Fantastic Silk at 1000 each, Fantastic Animal Pelt at 4000 each, Fantastic Marrow at 4000 each, Fantastic Spinneret Fluid at 12000 each, and Shimmering Loam at 12000 each. The amount he sold bankrupted me, and it will be enough to supply the raid for while I imagine. Just send me a tell before raids and Ill get you what you need.

P.S. The prices are non-negotiable. I am offering those at the same price I payed, 0% profit.

Edit: It turns out this stock is moving faster than I had anticipated. I made back half of the plat I invested in only 2 days. The buying price may change as my stock runs out. Also, the prices are intended for active raiders use only. If the materials are being used for someone other than an active raider, please buy the cheapest Items you can find for sale.

I have been marginalizing the profits and shares of the various mules in order to stabilize and lower the market prices (it is somewhat complicated). The major issue of mules "buying up" all the supplies and "doubling" (i've seen mark-ups of 800%) was remedied when I started keeping a large hidden stock and only putting a small amount up for sale. If my hidden stock runs too low I might lose this control over the market, but I think the mules have a good enough idea of my tactics that they will know better than to buy everything and mark up the prices.

Re: Raids and Trade Skill Item drops & raid bank

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:25 pm
by Zephur
As far as I've ever heard, darkmatter dust is foraged only.

Re: Raids and Trade Skill Item drops & raid bank

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:26 am
by Xslia
ok corrected post.