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Spell damage and gear wish list questions

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:32 am
by Cinda
Ok ...I am a lover of augs, and I have lately gone against how I usually get them, from, and gone for ones with high spell damage instead of mana. such as I am wearing Gleaming Gem of Feshlak for the 80 sd, and Velium empowered gem of freezing for the 70!

There is also a Petrified Sharktooth I don't have with sd 75.(edit now have thanks Xal and Elaine) are you guys getting these three and disregarding the +int on them to go for the sp?

What is your wish list must for augs?

Next is my outfits wish list, let me show you what I think I want, then please show me yours and why. I love hearing why something else is better!
Face:Crusader's Coul for the 108sd
Neck: all dropped items have 95sd, does one pop out to you more? (the mana doesn't seem to far apart for me to want one over the other
Belt: Jchan's Threaded Belt of Command 107sp
Ring: all dropped items have 95sp
Range: Glowing Icicle 107sp
Shoulder: Drape of Dust 103sp
Ear: Ratathor's Earring of Insight 102sd
Back: all dropped have 95sp

Weapon: I have always worn a 1h weapon and shield, just always made the tradeskill group gear, but I see that all the cool kids have the 2H. I am going to hope you guys post your wish list for that!

I have heard the arms are a must get for the fire nukage stuff, thanks to the help of my awiz wizzs : ))) Keep helping me my pretties I am loving it! :)

Cinnabee Whyareyoustandingthere

PS...don't you love my new last name : )))))))))

Re: Spell damage and gear wish list questions

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:26 am
by Cinda
The Jchan's Threaded belt of command has 107 spell damage on it....and today I am looking up my wish list and that one has 45 haste on it too....which category does this one fall under? caster or tank? loot is always dropping and I want the best one for my class without taking the bestesterest one of someone elses.....aka I don't want Dole to want to beat me up if I take a belt that he could really get more use from than me : )))

Also the Drape of Dust has a weird bash thinger on it, along with 103 spell damage

I just figured everything on raids that dropped was for everyone until last night when I saw that only some things have haste...and I know tankery peeps need those!!!

looked up more things, and lots we haven't seen yet, my wish list is a bit ahead, but I am hopeful!

Re: Spell damage and gear wish list questions

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:50 pm
by Adruger
It would seem likely it would be applicable to Beastlord, Druid, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Ranger, Shaman, and Wizard. It would be my choice for belts .

Re: Spell damage and gear wish list questions

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:04 am
by Xslia

Yes I also have about 2 or 3 augs that do not have +HINT on them due to high SD amounts. Out of all our aug slots, at times I might have had 4 non-HINT ones for that reason.

As far as BELTs hum i was trying to see how I could upload a screen shot but I'll create a channel in Discord and upload it there.

I do a spreadsheet at the beginning of each expansion - save me dkp and somewhat bad choices later on (new and shiney kicks in for me now and again)

Below is a paste from my spreadsheet - it won't format nicely - but you get the jist.

In this case I have Belt of Brilliance as my 1st choice - as it 109 SD - H37 Int and more HP/Mana.

Waist Velium Endowded belt of Brilliance 1 109 COV R Ore 37 510 12046 11739 "Treaded boon of Potential
Expanding mind XXIV"
Waist Jchan's Threaded Belt of Command 2 107 COV R Ore 36 496 11155 10938 "Treaded boon of Potential
Expanding mind XXIV"
Waist Velium Enhanced Belt of Brilliance Equipped 90 TOV 35 466 9887 9659 Treaded Boon of Potential Expanding Mind XXIII

When it comes down to all the items having the SAME SD - then look at focus and HINT. That's the choice factor.