Requirements for Joining Raids

Contains all the rules and regulations for public raiding. Read-Only.
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Requirements for Joining Raids

Post by Xslia »

Requirements for Joining a raid

1) Read the Raid rules in this forum

2) Read the DKP rules in this forum

3) Raid are called with requirements ( FLAGS/AA's/Levels, etc.,) in our community channel (Ashorty:raiders), if you meet the requirement you join the main raid channel that is announced. If you do not meet the requirements, you will join a channel for a potential push to raid.

4) Requirement can and do change - they evolve as we do with expansions and content we are facing.

5) AA and Gear checks. If you show up under-geared for the content we are doing, you will be asked to work on your gear before returning. Same for those with less then optimal AA's. While we can compensate for someone missing a few hundred AA's (based on class) being under-geared for the content is something each raider has to correct. The top end group gear released with any Expansion is solid and will help a lot to get you to the minimal requirements but may not get you clearance depending on your class.

Gear checks - will keep occurring, however if you have been gone a while and think well I just need a couple of pieces to get bare minimum, you are doing the raid team and well as yourself a dis-service. When you link some item 3 expansion ago you are replacing - when you can find BETTER in the player made bazaar area or items that are tradable from current T1 group mobs, it tells me that you are not interested in bettering yourself at all to be a viable member of current raid content. While their may be one or two exceptions to some raid items, there is absolutely no reason to show up to raids with gear older then 2 expansion that common group gear is a improvement. Period.

Someone once said (Hrendra) that raiding is a two way street. We as a raid force make an investment into you, you in turn should make an investment to the team you want to raid with. MAKE the investment in your gear before showing up to raids.

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