Anniversary Stuff

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Anniversary Stuff

Post by Dembien »

I have missed a few years of anniversary events. Does anyone know a good spot to find aug quests, both past and present please. I can really use some upgrades. Maybe just some links to old augments would be nice so i can look them up on allakhazam. Thanks for the help :D

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Re: Anniversary Stuff

Post by Xslia »

There are several like Bronze, Gold, Silver, Iron <name> I forget what events dropped what.

I know someone interested in doing the group Dragons x 3 to get that aug I'll let them know you might be interested also. The Mech Guardian event sucks wind but that aug from last year is solid but takes a raid to finish it off. The good news is that since it is an open zone, anyone in the zone gets credit if someone else is killing the guardian (Maximum Capacity was quest). Jaerlyn and I have discussed checking what raiders are missing a aug from the behemoths event again and doing that one.

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Re: Anniversary Stuff

Post by jaerlyn »

Couple notes on augs:

Dragonsx3, when done as a group, gets a "+3 level" added to your aug (as if you had defeated three more raids than you actually did, up to the cap.) ... It's a fairly easy one group, for max aug. (Charm slot) It's unlikely we'll do this as a raid.

Steel Behemoths offers a choice of 2 augs, and between the two there is an aug that is desired for almost every class. With the amount of new people, and the simplicity of the event, you can expect we'll do this at least a couple times.

Avatar of whatsit in the Arena (Battle Prowess.) Still one of the top tanking augs in the game, it also has decent heroic Dex, so it's decent for melee. We'll likely do this no more than twice, if that.

If the opportunity presents itself, we'll probably take down the robot in DSH, if they indeed send it live. It'll be unlikely we'll do it more than once, though. If it's like last year, it'll be taken down by just random people in the zone, several times.

As for actually scheduling these things... Don't count on it. You may get a day's warning about them, if that.

As for ToFS raid (the new one) - Yes, we'll be doing it. Lots. No, I'm not going to list a schedule for it. (Though the reason we'll be doing it actually has nothing to do with augs.)
-Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take, but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

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Re: Anniversary Stuff

Post by Thrillho »

Thanks for the info. Couple questions though:

Steel Behemoths - Looks like it could be done with a group. Mobs seem to be about equal to VOA T4 named, for the most part. Some of them might require massive DPS (100K hp/tick regen on one of them). Would you prefer we don't group up for this one so we can hit it as a full raid force and get augs for all in one (or more) shot(s)?

Battle Prowess - ZAM says the reward for this is based on time vs other peoples' time on server. Is this still the case?

DSH - Robot is live. I was beating on him last night. 5 minutes of heavy hits and he didn't go below 99%. Lots of HP. Clockworks around him are still formidable, even at 95. Two tasks for this one - Maximum Capacity [Reward: Mount] (requires taking the robot down + drops from clockworks) and Parts is Parts [Reward: Choice of 2 augs] (requires being in zone for one robot health update (80%, 60%, etc. IIRC) + drops from clockworks).

Dragons x3 - Going to try to get this one done tonight prior to raids, and / or any other time I can get it.

95 Monk LFG for these.


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Re: Anniversary Stuff

Post by Xslia »

Thrillho wrote:Thanks for the info. Couple questions though:

Steel Behemoths - Looks like it could be done with a group. Mobs seem to be about equal to VOA T4 named, for the most part. Some of them might require massive DPS (100K hp/tick regen on one of them). Would you prefer we don't group up for this one so we can hit it as a full raid force and get augs for all in one (or more) shot(s)?

Battle Prowess - ZAM says the reward for this is based on time vs other peoples' time on server. Is this still the case?


If you choose to do this as a group and get a lockout - then when we do this raid - I expect those with lockouts to drop raid/channel until we move to a different event. I do not give dkp to raiders with lockouts on content we are doing - as that means you are not ready to raid with us on our content - no different from any other guilds that raid with us that are currently working on Argath.

As to Battle Prowess - no clue

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