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Post by Thrillho »

TL;DR: I've decided to quit EQ. Thank you everyone who made this game enjoyable for me. I hope I made it enjoyable for you as well.

Now for the longer version.

I won't be mentioning any names in this post for thanks, good byes, or "hey, remember that time?" - not because you didn't have an impact on my time in EQ, but because everyone had an impact on my time in EQ, and I'm sure I'll forget someone. To my friends, if I didn't say good bye to you already in game, I'm sorry. I must have missed you when I was online last.

There are lots of factors that lead me to this decision, most of which relate to time. Within the past year I've had a lot of changes to my life - new girlfriend, new job, and as of tomorrow, a new place to live (first time I will actually own a place I live in, very excited). And there are a few things I've given up on for some stupid reason I'm looking forward to getting back in to - cooking, rock climbing, and reading.

With my new job, I've found I'm under-educated with it and am spending a lot of time after work with training, reading, or just doing extra work. I'm enjoying it immensely - I get to work on projects all across the world.

New girlfriend... well, I don't think I need to explain that one ;).

New place to live. For the past 5 years I've been living in hotels, camps, renting places to live, or staying with my father. All because I've been working out of town for my old job and it didn't make sense to purchase a place. With the new job brings a steady location and I can finally set some roots of my own. With a shorter commute to work (58 minutes down to 12), my time frees up to cook myself a decent meal to help get rid of this belly I've developed.

Thank you everyone for making EQ enjoyable. I created Thrillho about halfway through HoT and progressed quickly through the levels and AAs. With raiding in my sights I managed to go from a guy who knows nothing and can barely survive a riposte in HoT yard, to a guy who still knows nothing but can molo in Sepulcher. I wouldn't have been able to progress that quickly without help. I've tried to repay that help as much as possible, or at least pay it forward. I hope I haven't fallen short in that respect.

I'm not sure when my account goes to silver, but I won't be renewing it in the foreseeable future. I might log in from time to time to see how things are going, but with a silver account I won't be able to do anything.

I hope I made all of your EQ experiences better. Give 'em hell in RoF. The raids look awesome. And be sure to use those jesters - Jaerlyn loves 'em.

Thrillho / Jeff

PS: 5 TAs for...

Final count:
Alsa Thel Droplet: 730
Alsa Thel of Magic: 81
Alsa Thel of Beasts: 104
Alsa Thel of Fertility: 125
Alsa Thel of Decay: 134
Alsa Thel of Tides: 325
Alsa Thel of Battle: 529
Alsa Thel of Oratory: 581
Alsa Thel of Splendor: 762

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Re: Ciao!

Post by Xslia »


Thank you for your commitment to this raid force and team. You accomplished a lot in your time in EQ and I was always happy to have you in group. I know you helped anyone you possible could if you had the time on a lot of the VoA content. Please do log in from time to time and let us know how you are doing.

Good luck with your job, house and new direction and thanks for being part of this Tunare family.


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Re: Ciao!

Post by Berillious »

Take Care Thrillo. Enjoy the "Real World", and may the wind be forever and your back and the ground rise to meet your feet.

See you around hopefully.


Posts: 254
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:36 am

Re: Ciao!

Post by Eagles »

Hate to see you go.

Now how are we ever going to find out if those droplets stack past 1k?
Your Kinder Gentler Iksar,

Posts: 13
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Re: Ciao!

Post by Yllaena »

Thanks for your company and all your help, as we slogged through Sepulcher and achievements. It was a pleasure knowing you and I wish you well out in that great big "real world". Take care of yourself and hope to see you around in game, even just to say hi.

Yllaena Soulseeker
Cleric of Tunare

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