Thursday June 13th - no raids scheduled

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Thursday June 13th - no raids scheduled

Post by Xslia »

There will be no raids Thursday June 13th - I'll not be on. I'm headed out of town. I'm am due back Monday.

I do not know what time Monday I will be back - I PLAN to be back by raid time - but with travel times you just do not know. SO.... If I'm not here - either Jaerlyn or Cellar will start a raid. HOWEVER, unless someone steps up to do attends and capture the loot - or there will be no raid. Neither Cellar or Jaerlyn should have to do everything - it's a pain... so raids will be canceled if no one does the recording. Trust me I know it's a nightmare trying to do it all when I lead and often leaves me scattered to the 4 winds on Thursdays trying to do invites from LD's, bidding, shuffing raiders around in groups and remembering to do attends to log files.

ATTENDS and LOOT are easy... just need someone to turn a log file on - remember to do /list (timestamps about every 15 minutes - heck if you want to do them ever 10 minutes i don't care - just as long as their captured to your log file and copied out later).

then at the end of the night - go into your log file - copy out the list timestamps and the loot awards and save them to a notepad file and can post them on website or email it to me on forums, either works. I use a kitchen timer or ipad app to do a timer every 15 minutes - then hit my /list 4 (raid channel) hot key. If you want to do time stamps every 5 minutes - I'm ok with that also. DO EXTRA - i do because sometimes I get busy and even if my timer goes off I hit my hot key and if i'm casting - it does not go thru - says I'm busy. and I may forget - so I have a backup one in case within same timefame.

Anyway - I'm out for the weekend - back on Monday at some point, just cannot guarantee I'll be at start of raid...

There is a post in the Raid leaders section on how to turn on and check your log files.

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