Eye of Fear & Brell's Shadow - raid completion items

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Eye of Fear & Brell's Shadow - raid completion items

Post by Xslia »

I want to state here again and I will make sure it is listed in rules that any raid drop that completes a quest or series of tasks to get the item - is only to be bid on first by those at that final step.

We have done this procedure with shawl 2.0 and even prior with loot when we had progressive gear issues back in Crystallos days - before they changed the loot system. We do not want someone bidding on an item just to bank it "in case" they ever finish the quest line.

I do have a progressive gear line in the rules. this applies to the Eye of Fear - which completes the class weapon drop in HoF - you must have the Group weapon completed - so that the Eye is your last piece before bidding.

Same with the Brell's Shadow - have all the tasks done prior - so that you only need the drop to complete the last task.

If everyone has it already on the raid that night - we will open it up for others that are still in progress of completing the missions/tasks.

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