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Nov 2019: Leaders of Infinit and public raids

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:45 pm
by Xslia
Leaders of Infinit and public raids.

This question gets asked to off and on as new raiders come into the raid system and were not around when the change or transition from Ashorty to Xslia occured - who are the leaders of Infinit and public raids.

Ashorty founded Infinit and public raids, it was built on his passion to raid (and trust me he did, 14-16 hours a day x 7 days) and mission to open the doors to raiding to others. Ashorty wanted to retire and there was a plan in place to turn it over to a few individuals to lead and well like most things - politics and a power play came into being and a split in public happened. A few of us remained - we stepped back and said "now what". Zeta was given guild leadership by Ashorty and he made me co-leader due to his work load and he said lets' rebuild. At the time I had Zeta, Hrendra and Kaeamien as my foundation team to help rebuild this system. We all agreed on one thing that we did not one person to have to bear the burden of it all - guild leader, raid leader, dkp admin, etc. We wanted a team of people to help us guide this organization and that's what we sat out to accomplish and have evolved into. When Zeta's work schedule took over, he passed the leadership of the system to me. Currently, I, Xslia, am the Leader of Infinit and of the public raids we sponsor.

Leadership of public raids is made up of several individuals. We discuss issues, changes or challenges to our raid style system and devise a plan or solution as needed and have a check and balance within ourselves to keep us on track. We work together to figure out new events - some who painfully go thru their log files and do research. All of these people help keep us moving forward, these people also help keep me and each other grounded or steer us back on the path if anyone of us is veering off too far. Leadership of or raid system is not limited to those just in Infinit.

We also have class leaders - people who others can come to for questions or assistance. A class leader on raids helps with the raid coordination and with event information and can council members on what are good focus items and AA's needed etc., for raids. If a raid leader or class leader sits you out a few nights for being disruptive, disrespectful or starting drama, perma afk during a event - do not come to me and ask me to get you back in, you work that out with your class leader(s).

Infinit guild officers - help me with guild management and may or may not be a class leader. Class leaders for the most part evolved as people stepped up to fill a gap when someone else retired. Some classes might have a primary and secondary class leader. Leadership team members are invited by me based on input from other leaders.

Raid Leaders - we have had several over the years - Judice, Haxot, Giiana, Xyndail, Kindread and currently Jaerlyn. This is a very thankless job and has a lot of stress and heartburn. I salute anyone who steps up and tries, it is not easy leading a bunch of people into the unknown and coming out a winner! These people make raids happen.

All of these people function to help keep our raid system moving and going forward.

Leadership team:
Leader: Xslia
Raid Leaders: Nuek, Galamann, Kittyara, Xslia (whom ever we can con into it)
Class Leaders:
Clerics: Elaine, Arlyana
Rangers: Docmoon, Xalatan
Knights: Cellar, Nuek
Wizards: Xslia
TBD - rest.

DKP Administrators: Xslia, Adruger, Kittyara, Xalatan

Forum Adminstrator: Xslia, Haxot (Haxot still supports us from behind the scenes if there is an issue with forums).

Raidbot Administrator: Xslia, Haxot.