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Flagging for Underfoot

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:04 am
by Xslia
We seem to go through cycles where people want to know , what, when, how, and mostly when will "I" be flagged. The bottom line is I (Xslia) is responsible for handing out flags. If I'm not on, then the raid leader & leaders can consult and determine which raider at raid gets flags that night.

I use to post lists, then stopped. Why: because if the list was not up to date this second updated with someone's attend, then drama started because a raider got skipped over to someone else because either the list was a week old, or the raids were not posted.

I use to post or send tells to "next people" then stopped. Why - because people would skip work, school, etc., thinking we might raid that target that night and if we did not raid that target, guess what - drama started.

So now when I'm asked, or your asked, how flags are awarded, you can say "Don't know", Xslia just hands them out as she see fits.

Now for the more reasonable answer, I break things down by lifetime and attend %. Part of our mission as a raid force is to "progress", and to do that with flagging items, I look towards the higher attend people to be flagged first - so we have a chance of getting into a zone earlier then waiting to flag everyone in order of lifetime. HOWEVER, if you left the raid force or disappeared for 6 months the came back, that does not make you automatically ahead of the line based on your lifetime when you return, my job is to try and balance things out.

So basically the bottom line is, everyone will get a flag - eventually.