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Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:22 am
by Xslia
I'm trying to find a way to be more equitable in how dkp is given due to time spent on some events - some events we go in and blam dead in 2 minutes - some well in 2 days. Historically we have done dkp by event with trying to get an attend once an hour if the event took us longer then an hour (setup - instructions) etc., at time of DI's various processes.

The one I'm am would like to experiment with is as follows:
attend's in 30 minute increments (2 and hour) starting with the early attend then going forward after that win or lose - those will be attend markers for time spent in game supporting raid. When we win an event - there will a attend marker for the win (so if we beat an event in the hour itself - there would be a 3rd marker to record the win/loot distribution. The 3rd marker will still be at DI call as that means raid is set for the current event and the kill attend could be a 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 dkp bonus on top of the hourly rate - depending on the event.

Even if we give 2 dkp per/30 that's 4 per hour - and that's about on par for normal nights for total dkp given. (Note for some events like grounds - where we can zone in and kill it in 15 minutes) - while there may be 1 attend (2 dkp) credit at 30m marker - the dkp at time of loot distribution would be zero). equating the event to the 2 dkp I'm giving it now.

The biggest heartburn will be on whomever is doing log files - they will need to remember to do 30 minute incremental (and subsequent) attends on event wins. Yes I have a digital timer on my desk - that I "TRY" to remember to hit at the start of the raids - well sometimes I'm not always remembering to do that! Then during event when it goes off, if I'm busy typing out notes, or kiting mobs, sometimes I forget to hit it twice (once to stop the beeping and second to kick it off again) or even hit it 3 times - thinking one did not take. So if I'm doing log files - I need raiders to help remind me at start of raid to kick off the timer and do attends - and listing markers in channel so all see that one was done - to remind me if you do not see one! (If anyone wants to be a back up log file person - please do!)

I was trying to find a self buff/clicky the other night that was about 30 minutes in length - or 15 even, that I could set an audio trigger to when it wears off. But my shortest self buff that does not get overridden is 45minutes.

For Thursdays raid in SS - i used attend at 30minutes, I'ld like to see how this goes the next few raid nights and if it's a big heartburn or pain, we might go back to the previous way - my whimsical random attends...(kidding!).

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:24 am
by Xslia
after posting first night of doing 30 dkp increments we get more dkp then we normally do - downgrading attends to 1 dkp every 30 instead of 2 every 30

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:59 pm
by sanelyene
You may want to relook into this. From what I am seeing we are earning less DKP. Why would we do that?

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:20 am
by Xslia
Keep in mind a couple of things
1) as something goes to farm status I've always devalued the event - we have first win dkp (bonus), then a set amount that is devalued over time, new events worth more and older event are adjusted down.
2) when we are busting into new content (learning dkp) we earn more during that time frame until the event is won.
3) when everything is on farm (IE, no new raids) events still can be adjusted down
4) events may be adjusted for difficulty factor.

We spent the month of August breaking in Sanctum, so that month had a lot of learning/new win factors. Here is what I show for a summary going back to mid July. With the fact that everything is on farm status - I think the numbers are right on par with where we should be. There is no longer any new learning dkp for what we are doing - it will return with VoA expansion. Events have been adjusted down from initial win dkp to a farm dkp.

10/18 - 13
10/17 - 11
10/15 - 9
10/13 - 9
10/12 - 9
10/11 - 11
10/10 - 12
10/8 - 7
10/6 - 10
10/5 - 8
10/4 - 12
10/3 - 12
10/1 - 8

9/29 - 6
9/18 - 15
9/26 - 12
9/24 - 17
9/22 - 7
9/21 - 12
9/20 - 13
9/19 - 10
9/17 - 14
9/15 - 7
------------------------------ attend changed
9/14 - 10
9/12 - 13
9/10 - 9
9/7 - 10
9/5 - 14
9/1 - 15

8/31 - 14
8/30 - 21
8/29 - 15
8/27 - 18
8/25 - 9
8/24 - 22
8/23 - 23
8/21 - 28
8/20 - 17
8/18 - 11
8/17 - 20
8/16 - 11
8/15 - 11
8/13 - 8
8/11 - 15
8/10 - 31
8/9 - 13
8/8 - 14
8/6 - 19
8/4 - 9
8/3 - 19
8/2 - 11
8/1 - 23

7/30 - 7
7/28 - 9
7/27 - 13
7/26 - 14
7/25 - 12
7/23 - 12
7/21 - 13
7/20 - 13
7/19 - 13
7/18 - 13
7/16 - 15
7/14 - 16

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:19 am
by Calebe
Basically in the end it doesn't matter as everyone gets the same amount of DKP per event. True those that have high DKP counts will maintain a lead and catching them with lower values won't help, but if they are on the raid it makes no difference, they gain as much as the rest, the gap remains exactly the same. So instead of gaining 30 DKP you gain say 15, but so do the rest they also only gain 15 DKP. So as you see no difference, just higher numbers are more impressive. The end result you go from 100 DKP to 115 DKP and that raider with 1000 DKP goes to 1015 DKP. The gap is still 1000. Remember it took time for them to gain that 1000 DKP (or whatever number, it may have been earned at a higher rate, but everyone on at that time also gained at that higher rate. Nothing was given to them).

The only time it plays a part are those not raiding with a high DKP count, they come back and though you raided they still have way more dkp, on the other hand they haven't raided for awhile and can't bid over 20 or 50 till they hit 35% attendance, so their dkp lead is meaningless till they get it up. Then while they still have more DKP they did anyway. In the end it won't matter at all, we all gain at the same rate.

The thing to remember is whatever amount of DKP people have saved up, they earned it at a rate everyone else on the raid was earning it at. They were given nothing for free, and if they continue to raid their DKP totals rise, slower maybe, but so does everyone's and the gap stays constant.


Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:30 am
by Xslia
There are also other variables worth mentioning such as when a person % attend. What raid you are on for also plays a role - Face it, SS3 and 4 are not difficult - therefore are not worth the same dkp as the more difficult ones such as SS1 or SS2 - if you missed event 1 and 2, and were only one for 3, 4, then dkp earned overall would be less then for someone who just could be on for SS1 and SS2.

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:03 am
by sanelyene
I am not questioning what folks dkp amounts are or whether they are earning the same dkp as me or have more dkp then me. I understand that DKP is earned and you accumulate dkp.

My question is with leadership and my concern is with this new system that is being put in place. Are we getting the same amount of dkp as before? I understand that events are being devalued as we are on farm status but I want to make sure our time is not being devalued along with that and we are earning a fair amount of dkp.

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:18 pm
by Xslia
I believe it is on par with what we had before for being the same each night for the events.

Re: Changes!!!! omgosh what is she doing now - dkp attends

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:13 am
by Eagles
Not only is it on par, I think at least in my case it helps with attendance.

As most know I tend to leave at 10 PM. Historically we are not the fastest starting raid force. As a result 7 til 10 (3 hours of raiding) gave similar dkp and attendance as rading 9 to 11 (2 hours). This seems to spread it out more and value the time more evenly.

I like it, becuase honestly before I felt like I got shafted on attendance.