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Being Prepared for Loot

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:57 am
by Eagles
As many of you know, we get a lot more loot on a VoA raid. Enough that we were worried about the chest disappearing as we ran out of time. Fortunately that did not happen and loot change rules MAY come in to speed up looting, but regardless of that PLEASE be prepared and ready for loot.

Now I am as everyone knows a crotchety old man and a hard ass (but since I am not an officer who cares). I thought people only had troulbe with the runes but heard some people made mistakes on bidding the other night because they were pressed for time. So please prepare yourself for the win before we win.

If you want to know what can drop for an event go to and look at what drops for an event for your class. Failing that when they open the chest is NOT a time to be AFK. When they announce what dropped click the links see what is going to be bid on before they start bidding, then you know what you want.

If you wait til they announce "Item 3456" to see what "item 3456" is and if it is an upgrade for you then you slow everyone down AND may make mistakes. You should come to raid prepared to raid, and when it comes time ti loot you should be prepared also.

Your Crotchety old man,