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VoA - Alarian @91 required 30th Jan.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:02 am
by Xslia
We had original posted Alarian 100 - we have reset it to 91 starting 30th January.

30th January 91 Alarian required - we will not push from noflags.
1st Feburary - Level 95 required - we will not push from noflags.

We have always adapted to different requirements - this is no different from any other time where we required group access to zones to be able to raid those zones as we could not push.

Re: VoA - Alarian @91 required 30th Jan.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:05 pm
by Sollas Sunchaser
So would I be right in understanding that the req to raid is based on the honor system ? I noticed the /ach have 90 alaran and 100 alaran listed . Is there some way that Im not aware of to check someones alaran other than the honor system ?

Re: VoA - Alarian @91 required 30th Jan.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:07 pm
by Rebbeca
But we are all honorable:)

Re: VoA - Alarian @91 required 30th Jan.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:08 pm
by Zephur
Sollas Sunchaser wrote:So would I be right in understanding that the req to raid is based on the honor system ? I noticed the /ach have 90 alaran and 100 alaran listed . Is there some way that Im not aware of to check someones alaran other than the honor system ?

Well.... if you use the compare button in the /ach window, anyone can check someone's true level by actually checking everything someone has done in VoA and count it up yourself.

Or check which they are missing would be easier at that level.