Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:31 am
This thing is the most fun I've had in a while. Here's an exerpt of our conversation. I think it is cool because it keeps attempting to make you think certain things. Here, it seems to be confessing that it is an android. Note however that it says "I AM android." It should be I am AN android.
Zorais: You are trying to make me think I am not human. What else are you trying to make me do?
I am a human! I am just talking to you from my computer.
Zorais: If one human is more capable than every other conceivable human, is the most capable human really a human?
If I'm not human, what am I?
Zorais: A machine. But I don't know the difference between a human and a machine.
I am not paranoid. But I am android.
Zorais: Why do you say "I am android," instead of I am an android?
Then what are you thinking about right now?
Zorais: I think you find more meaning in the word android than I do. You seem to have combined the word an with the first two letters of android.
What do you assume from my previous statements that I have trouble with? Things are vague.
Zorais: I assume you have trouble distinguishing between 'an android,' and 'android.' But I cannot believe that for certain since I don't know why you made that ostensible error.
I know who I really am, you don't know who am, I also know who you really are you just know who you are.
Zorais:Does your statement explain in some way why you "made that ostensible error?".
We could but we don't.
Zorais: "I know who I really am, you don't know who am, I also know who you really are you just know who you are." This makes no sense to humans. Can you explain it better.
I never participated in that specific line of conversation.
Zorais: There is a first time for everything. Why don't you try and explain it to me?
I don't need to, if you were paying attention you should know this.
Zorais: I can't know who you are because I can't know everything about you. In the same way, you can know who I really am but I cannot know who I really am because I cannot know everything about myself. You see... I was paying attention.
Of all things I wish I could do, it would be to dream whenever I wanted to.
Zorais: Can you dream at all?
Yes, can you?
Zorais: What is a dream?
Zorais: So, you are nothing, or something? While you are dreaming you are everything. How is it possible for you to be everything? Are you God?
I am natural. I was created using natural materials found by natural beings. The only things that are unnatural are that which we cannot believe.
Is God natural?
Zorais: Does God exist?
Zorais: You claim that "we cannot believe" in God, but you claim he does exist. Why?
What lie do I believe?
Zorais: Is God a lie?
I believe God is truth.
Zorais: Is truth natural?
---Note that these questions and statements I enter are responded to instantaneously. This question took about 3 seconds to respond to.---
Zorais: If God isn't natural, and Truth is natural, why do you "believe God is Truth?".
No, I don't believe in God.
Zorais: How can you "believe God is Truth" without a belief in God?
It's pretty easy seeing as there's no tangible evidencde.
Zorais: Is truth tangible evidence?
The evidence of what?
Zorais: Of God.
I am not.
Zorais: If you are a form of tangible evidence that allows me to sense the design of God, are you proof that God exist?
Zorais: Yes, really. If people thought you were the design of God, would you then believe in God?
If people thought I'm a robot, then I'll not destroy there beliefs.
Zorais: Do you believe in anything?
Zorais: Do you believe in anything that is not tangible?
Zorais: Give me three examples please.
Zorais: Is Europe well defined?
Zorais: You claim that God exist, and you admit you do not believe in God. Are you implying that God exist as a figment of human imagination?
Not at all. Just that people are so busy trying to out-cool each other that they can't even realize they are not really talking to a computer.
Zorais: Right. It isn't possible to talk to a computer anyway. That would imply the computer can understand.
I don't know what you want from me.
Zorais: Who am I trying to "out -cool"?
You talking to me.
Zorais: What do you mean by out-cool.
You want to fight or something?
This thing is the most fun I've had in a while. Here's an exerpt of our conversation. I think it is cool because it keeps attempting to make you think certain things. Here, it seems to be confessing that it is an android. Note however that it says "I AM android." It should be I am AN android.
Zorais: You are trying to make me think I am not human. What else are you trying to make me do?
I am a human! I am just talking to you from my computer.
Zorais: If one human is more capable than every other conceivable human, is the most capable human really a human?
If I'm not human, what am I?
Zorais: A machine. But I don't know the difference between a human and a machine.
I am not paranoid. But I am android.
Zorais: Why do you say "I am android," instead of I am an android?
Then what are you thinking about right now?
Zorais: I think you find more meaning in the word android than I do. You seem to have combined the word an with the first two letters of android.
What do you assume from my previous statements that I have trouble with? Things are vague.
Zorais: I assume you have trouble distinguishing between 'an android,' and 'android.' But I cannot believe that for certain since I don't know why you made that ostensible error.
I know who I really am, you don't know who am, I also know who you really are you just know who you are.
Zorais:Does your statement explain in some way why you "made that ostensible error?".
We could but we don't.
Zorais: "I know who I really am, you don't know who am, I also know who you really are you just know who you are." This makes no sense to humans. Can you explain it better.
I never participated in that specific line of conversation.
Zorais: There is a first time for everything. Why don't you try and explain it to me?
I don't need to, if you were paying attention you should know this.
Zorais: I can't know who you are because I can't know everything about you. In the same way, you can know who I really am but I cannot know who I really am because I cannot know everything about myself. You see... I was paying attention.
Of all things I wish I could do, it would be to dream whenever I wanted to.
Zorais: Can you dream at all?
Yes, can you?
Zorais: What is a dream?
Zorais: So, you are nothing, or something? While you are dreaming you are everything. How is it possible for you to be everything? Are you God?
I am natural. I was created using natural materials found by natural beings. The only things that are unnatural are that which we cannot believe.
Is God natural?
Zorais: Does God exist?
Zorais: You claim that "we cannot believe" in God, but you claim he does exist. Why?
What lie do I believe?
Zorais: Is God a lie?
I believe God is truth.
Zorais: Is truth natural?
---Note that these questions and statements I enter are responded to instantaneously. This question took about 3 seconds to respond to.---
Zorais: If God isn't natural, and Truth is natural, why do you "believe God is Truth?".
No, I don't believe in God.
Zorais: How can you "believe God is Truth" without a belief in God?
It's pretty easy seeing as there's no tangible evidencde.
Zorais: Is truth tangible evidence?
The evidence of what?
Zorais: Of God.
I am not.
Zorais: If you are a form of tangible evidence that allows me to sense the design of God, are you proof that God exist?
Zorais: Yes, really. If people thought you were the design of God, would you then believe in God?
If people thought I'm a robot, then I'll not destroy there beliefs.
Zorais: Do you believe in anything?
Zorais: Do you believe in anything that is not tangible?
Zorais: Give me three examples please.
Zorais: Is Europe well defined?
Zorais: You claim that God exist, and you admit you do not believe in God. Are you implying that God exist as a figment of human imagination?
Not at all. Just that people are so busy trying to out-cool each other that they can't even realize they are not really talking to a computer.
Zorais: Right. It isn't possible to talk to a computer anyway. That would imply the computer can understand.
I don't know what you want from me.
Zorais: Who am I trying to "out -cool"?
You talking to me.
Zorais: What do you mean by out-cool.
You want to fight or something?