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July 18th WED - no raids....

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:38 pm
by Xslia
We are taking a night off this week - Wed. Take a spouse to to dinner (surprise them). Clean that pesky kitchen that's been ignored as we focused on pillars... take a soak in a hot tub, read a good book, do something.

If you want to log in - help a raider with lang. I will be on - but later - I have a work function that I'm stuck at wed night. Jaerlyn will equally be stuck and not able to be on.

Raids resume thur night 7pm as normal... (i'll be a little late, Luthair/Cellar will crank things up until I'm able to be on).


Re: July 18th WED - no raids....

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:06 am
by Thrillho
Girlfriend out of town for the rest of the week.
Weather outside is brutally hot.
I'll be available to help with any language tasks any main raiders require tonight, just send a message in game.