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A quick hello from the distant past

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:10 pm
by karovex
I will hopefully be getting back into EQ soon after 10 years of retirement (still rocking my PoP gear)

Of course, I won't be raid-capable for a while but I wanted to drop in say hi and WOW! I remember hanging with Ash & friends back in the pre-Infinit days, it's absolutely amazing that it's still going strong!

If anyone remembers Zynn (bard), Karovex (necro), Repie (monk), or Discipal (cleric), don't be a stranger. I'd love to catch up with friends from the old days.

Hopefully I'll get back into raiding some day, but we'll have to see what kind of time real-life allows me.

Best wishes to everyone, and I hope to see you guys in game some time!

Re: A quick hello from the distant past

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:41 am
by Xslia
Hey Karovex,

When you get online - make sure you join the community channel - we still keep Ash's channel going in honor of him - Ashorty:raiders.

We love bards!!!! - out of all those classes - at least it was not a tank (we tend to have a lot of tanks for raids).

Look me up when your online. Always willing to help an public raider learn the ropes.


Re: A quick hello from the distant past

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:27 pm
by karovex
Thanks, will do once I get my bearings again.

I'm glad you guys love bards, because I do too! That was my main for most of my EQ career and probably would be again if I ever get back to raiding. I'm currently trying to get a GM to restore a corpse that decayed sometime back around 2002, so we'll see how that goes.

What is raiding like these days compared to day of old, mainly in terms of duration?

Also, excluding the learning curve to get back into the game, how long does it take to get from 65 to raid-ready?

Re: A quick hello from the distant past

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:25 am
by Koutarou
Events are longer than the old days. The actual events go anywhere from 20 minutes to 2+ hours excluding setup. No more hitting 10 events a night like the days of PoP.

To meet the Level/AA/HP minimums less than a month if you're motivated and get some kwality PL.

Then a couple weeks to get language knocked out and should be good to go.