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Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:51 pm
by Xslia
We have noticed that we have had quite a few missing raiders since the release of WoW came out last week. That's fine if you want to go off and explore other games.
If you have not raided in over a week I do not see you at raids by 10/13, 2012. I will place your raid status as inactive. BY 13th October if I have not heard from any of you that have gone missing either in game mail or by message on this forum as to if you are planning on returning and when, I will start actively recruiting to replace your class position. If you decide to return at a later date, then depending on class and needs you may have to take on the status of new raider and do some sitting for the newer/harder/better gear content - if we have a spot by your return date.
We understand vacations/school time off etc, just let us know. No communication leaves us hanging and unknown about your status.
I would like to know where you missing people are and your intentions, just message me if you do not want to post openly
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:27 am
by kotter
I am working 14 hour days for the next 2 way to fit in dinner, playing with the kids, sleep, and eq...after this big push at work is over, sleep will not be a priority
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:47 am
by Hughjeee
Unfortunately with my current job I am only able to raid Thursdays, which for the past couple of weeks has been off days for raiding =(. If Thursdays ever pick back up on attendance you'll see me every week at least once !
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:33 am
by Antibane
Just cross-posting to this post (since I suppose my post in the other thread was mis-placed) - I have been sick, and very busy with work. We have parent teacher conferences this week (on Tuesday), and I am going to SOE Live from the 17th to the 21st, but other than that I should be back now that I'm feeling better.
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:31 am
by necrosrule
Jaaimi here, answering for Precocious as well. My job has been very different since last year with alot of traveling and overnight stays etc. My current job is scheduled to go thru mid December. It has been very difficult to be up for raiding getting home around 6PM or later after two hour drives each day. Preco and I both enjoy raiding, the banter, and plan on coming back. She can't raid if I'm not home to help out with dinner and the kids. If you must fill our positions, we understand and with that said, will try to make more raids, but is hard to promise anything with my schedule as it is. Good luck and get some phat loots in preparation of a new expansion.
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:30 pm
by Arlyana
I will be gone to Japan Oct 10-21. I hope to be on regularly after that. However, I typically work until 6pm PST so unless I have the day off, or take off early, I can't make raid start time. Until mid Nov. and Dec. They are my slack time and I typically have most of Dec available to raid every raid day from start to finish. Unless my hubby decides to take me off someplace.
My goal is to get flagged for the new expansion as soon as possible, so when work picks up again, it won't take me forever to catch up.
Arlyana - always looking for a group to heal!
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:53 pm
by FyrmnFyrslayer
I have been sick and then went to Talladega for the races.... Im gonna try to get back on...having a blurp at the homestead atm. I dont play WoW so im not on a new game.
Re: Missing Raiders(all raiders read) to be replaced
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:42 am
by Telithax
I will be at raid tonight as long as nothing comes up. Taeleon has gotten a new job which is requiring him to work some evenings but he should be on first shift by the end of this week and he will return at that time raiding full time as will I. See you guys tonight at raid if all goes well.