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Portal Quest access - required by 12/17/2012 - Monday

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:19 pm
by Xslia
Every raider is required to have the portal quests done from Shards landing by Monday Dec 17th.

this takes about 1 hour of your time to do, there is no killing, it's a solo task.

You go to Shards landing and pick up the portal quest for ALL of the portal - 6 of them (from the portal tenders at each).

You then make your way to the new zone the long way - IE, Chapterhouse - is off of the old commonlands, the NEW EW is accessed by going to the OLD EW and click over to the new zone, etc). once you zoen into new zoner - you click your crystal - then you can gate out or zone back over thru the portal in that zone to shards landing.

This simple quest may involve running around some old zone but it's worth the time is saves you getting to raids.
If you know a friendly wizard that can teleport to bind, a wizard can bind in all but 2 of the zone's (breeding grounds and Chapterhouse). Enlisting their help will shave 30m off this task.

GET MAPS also - eqresources has a solid set for the zones.

No reason any raider should not be able to get to Shards landing and then a raid zone going forward.

Re: Portal Quest access - required by 12/17/2012 - Monday

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:39 am
by Antibane
You don't have to run back to Shard's Landing after every zone - you can go to all the zones, and then just go back to Shard's Landing once.