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Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:29 pm
by Xslia
I am out of town next week - and will not be at raids. (TRY not to kill each other while I'm gone, well exception for Wanluan).

Jaerlyn is out of town for work till end of next week. He's been trying to lead from his laptop this week on a iffy hotel connection - he's had some good nights and some not so good nights this week in keeping online. It's just one of those rare occasions we both are gone for different reasons at the same time.

With that said - Wolfjaws is going organize you and take you somewhere (yes official DKP raids). Jaelryn will try and be on to support and assist as he can.

Monday - raids
tuesday - no raids (Wolf cannot be on this night and with J's variable working internet connection schedule just best to give this night off).
Wed - raids
Thur - raids

I'll be back next weekend... Trilo or pisaster or zephur - can you help with doing the attends/loot for dkp recording? Wolfjaws will do it - but if he's leading - best to have someone else handle dkp stuff (share the work load! and east up the burden on one person trying to do it all).

If anyone else run log files - if you can help out - please do - just take a channel attend every 15 minutes and then grab those out of the log file and give to Trilo or Zephur with any loot awards for us DKP people and we'll get it updated. Trilo, Zephur, and Pisaster are backup's for dkp issues.

If Yllaena or Brystorm are on, they can do the chest awards, or if someone else wants to attempt it under their guidance - let them know.

Again sorry for the short notice, It was going to be a non-issue until Jaerlyn had to be out of town due to work for the same time frame.


Re: RAID SCHEDULE - WEEK of SEPT 23rd 2013

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:30 am
by Wolfjaws
We'll be fine :D If Zephur, Pisaster, or Trilo, or anyone else for that matter is willing, or can help by taking attendance I would be greatful. Please send me a tell or an ingame email before we start Monday so I can know for sure.

I am legittamately(sp?) willing to do HoF1, Shadows, and just about all of T2 - So log in people!!!
