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Wed May 28 - 2014 - No raids - emerg patch

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:15 pm
by Xslia
OK, I know they said brief restart - and now they are estimating 8:00 ish for server to be back up, we have decided to just cancel raids - we will pick them back up thur night 7:00pm

Sorry for the short notice - but server were very unstable and we just do not know when server will be back, and if there are other issues once it is back.

Re: Wed May 28 - 2014 - No raids - emerg patch

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:21 pm
by Dami
The servers have been crap since last night. Lag issues, zones crashing, they were still messed up today. I hope no one forgot to feed he hamsters, I would have assumed they were running on solar power with all the money we have thrown at them =P