Raid class needs - across the board

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Raid class needs - across the board

Post by Xslia »

It happens to all raid forces, attrition. People retire, get bored, or just get busy with life/work/school.

With the announcement of the next expansion coming end of October - Jaerlyn and I have been discussing opening up about 5 to 10 raid spots - across the spectrum of classes. Does this mean I will bring in 10 tank classes - um no.

If you have friends/guildmates that are interested in raiding, then have them contact me in game with- class, AA and unbuffed HP's. If Tank - I want raw AC also. Just have them strip in lobby get the numbers then beg the buff bots for buffs before heading out again.

Our preference is for raiders who CAN be on WED nights also, the last few weeks, several potentials have prior commitments that keep the out of game on Wed nights or every other Wed nights.

If you are an SK, PAL, or WAR - I'm sorry to say - life is rough on you - as we will ask for you AC, and if you have not attempted or working on getting the group game AC augs - keeping current, then you will not live as a tank long.

We have a solid WAR and Knight crew - but I'm looking to supplement about 3 or 4 spots - 2 of those with a preference to a PAL - maybe 1 SK and 1 WAR or 2 WAR's - we are still looking it over and may also be depending on who contacts me in the next week while we evaluate it.

Priests (SHAM,DRU, CLR) - yes talk to me

Melee - DPS, I would say open to Beast/Zerker/Bard, we are good on Rangers/Monks/Rogues, but again I am open to discussing with all till a decision is made.

Caster DPS, We good on Necro's and Mages - another wizard be Awesome.

if I missed your class - well, I've not finished my coffee yet - contact me in game with questions or go get on the list.

P.S. We very seldom open up tanking spots - so this is a rare opportunity.

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