May 18-20th- No raids - Vacation, Exam's, graduations etc

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May 18-20th- No raids - Vacation, Exam's, graduations etc

Post by Xslia »

It has been a while since we have taken a week off for raids, but the stars aligned such that, Jaerlyn, Wolfjaws, Cellar and myself are not going to be able to commit to be here. And we have a handful of raiders in the middle of finals, term papers due , graduation events etc. Both Wolfjaws and Jaerlyn have work conflicts, Jaerlyn's will ease up first of June and we'll see a lot more of him! Wolfjaws is busy training new staff and Cellar is recovering from a surgery.

Therefore we will not be raiding Monday - Wednesday - May 18-19,20. Raids will resume Monday night May 25th. (Yes I know this is Memorial day in the US - holiday) but I will be here that Monday night ready to raid again -I will need a raid fix after not being at raids for a week!).

I am headed to be beach for a week of beach umbrellas and reading, and hopefully no critical work call's.

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