Cleric Raiding Macros

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Cleric Raiding Macros

Post by Arlyana »

Tidbits for Public Raid Clerics:

I auto-join ashorty, which is always channel # 1 for me.
I auto-join the cleric channel also, which is always channel #2 for me.
Then when raids are announced, I join the raid channel and it is always channel #3 for me.
Sometimes I join general, but I always leave it before raids start. My preference. The main reason I do this, is because all my hot keys are tied to these channels, and making them static keeps things simple.
If your channel numbers change all the time, getting ready for raids can be a bit more challenging with the hot keys. As noted below, /1, /2. /3 in the macros puts text in these channels respectively.

My MGB Celestial Regen Heal Macro:
/alt activate 35
/alt activate 38
/3 MASS RAID HOT Activated --- < change name > NEXT!
/tell <change name> you’re next!

Healers in Public typically take turns doing cleric task set up for raid targets, generally this just means organizing the MGB wheel, identifying a druid to alliance tanks, maybe backup heals and/or DA’s when needed. But we all help each other out, so we can maximize our healing efforts. Druids and Shamans also have a version of the Celestial Regen AA that stacks so typically the MGB wheel will be cleric, druid, cleric, shaman etc if at all possible. Almost all healers will use this MGB Heal Macro on almost every raid target in the order defined by the target set up healer. When the MGB heal rotation is announced, find your name, and replace the <change name> to the healer that follows you.

My heal Macro:
/alt activate 6488
/cast 1
/cast 2
/cast 3
/alt activate 7689

My spell line up:
1) Spiritual Remedy III
2) Graceful Remedy III
3) Fifteenth Emblem III
Alt activate 6488 activates Flurry of life whenever it is available to increase my instant healing spells by 35% for 90 seconds. Refresh timer is 15 minutes.
Alt activate 7689 activates Burst of life whenever it is available to heal between 28000 and 32000 points of health.
This simulates a multi-bound heal cast in that it will cast whichever quick heal is available 1, 2, or 3. Reasoning: With my spell haste casting reduction Ardent Light cast time is 2.2 secs and all the quick heals are .5 sec cast time so 4 quick heals can be cast in the time it takes to cast 1 Ardent Light.

Rez message:
/alt activate 3800
/2 Rezzing %t … %t … %t
/3 rez incoming %t

Under Options-> Keys -> Category Target I set my target nearest copse Hot Key combination to < Right Control ` >. This helps me target nearby corpses and rez them quickly. When maxed, this instant cast aa has a recast timer of .9 seconds. The /corpse command pulls the corpse to my feet. In almost all circumstances, this is a preferable place to be rezed.

Di message:
/2 DI to %t . . .
/3 DI to %t . . .
/cast 9

These are informative macros that tell all the healers and the raid you are casting DI or a rez. These messages are important to assist coordination to avoid multiple healers trying to cast the same thing on 1 raider.

Focused Regen:
/g Focused Regen on %T
/alt activate 1065
/2 Focused Celestial Regeneration on %T

This is a single target Celestial Regeneration that is available every five minutes. I also have a timer set up in Gina that tells me when Focused Regeneration is available again. Refresh timer is 5 minutes. Does not stack with Celestial Regeneration, but does stack with Elixir of Seas, and the Brestplate HOT.

Breastplate Group HOT:
/g Arlys Chestplate is healing the group now for 18 seconds
/useitem 17
/g Her chestplate will be available again in 10 mins.
/g Its a nice HOT, enjoy it while it lasts!

Messages are sent to the group only so other clerics in the group don’t duplicate at the same time. The Hot on the Chestplate stacks with Celestial Regen, Elixir of Seas and Focused Celestial Regen. I also have a timer in Gina that tells me when my breastplate hot is available again.

Divine Arbitration:
/g Divine Arb Used
/alt activate 169

Group Heal:
/g Hug the Cleric – Group heal and cure incoming
/alt activate 137
/cast 5

5th spell gem is Greater Reformation III.
Alt activate 137 is Beacon of Life instant group heal when available. Refresh timer every 3 mins.

Other tidbits:
I use Divine Peace, silent casting, and healing Frenzy whenever they are available to reduce hate generated from my heals and increase the power of my heals. When the raid is ready to engage, I typically hit Silent Casting, Healing Frenzy, Tranquil Blessings and then Elixir of Seas. This drops a really nice heal over time spell on all raiders within range of me at startup. Sometimes it saves a few raiders.

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