Enc macro/dps guide

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Enc macro/dps guide

Post by Mezz »

This is a couple of expansions old, so you would need to replace old spells with new:

Here are the macros I use (not all are dps related):

Main Burn:
/timer 7000
/alt activate 2205
/alt activate 2202
/alt activate 515
/g <insert message here to let them know that your group burn has been activated>

It should be noted that at same time I usually also click Spire of Enchantment AA
and also this macro to right click my BP:
/useitem 17
/timer 6000

This is helpful if you want to use your DPS Glyph:
/alt activate 5303
/timer 6000
/alt buy 5303

This one clicks the first item in your upper left bag:
/useitem 23 0

If you wanted to click the 2nd item you just increment the second number (2nd item is to the right of the first item):
/useitem 23 1

I have clickies setup for drunkard stein, the poison cure clicky from TDS, small mansi branch from EOK (which I never remember to use), and Sorceror's Blade (TDS tradeskill item that I also never remember to use)

Final macro I have is to announce I have cast alliance/convenant:
/5 Casting Covenant on %t.
/cast 4
Note on above: I make sure penc is my fifth channel, and my 4th spell gem is covenant

Ok, let me share you 3 spellsets that I use, all are based on best available spells as of 115. It should be noted that my raid setup differs from elite enchanter raiders that prefer to cast multiple versions of our minddrift nuke and spam Pulmonary Grip line. While it might be better, I just can't bring myself to cast so many slow spells, and to spam a dot. Obviously, the elite approach burns mana and assumes a raid fight won't last that long. The advantage of my approach is more fast spells which benefit from dicho, mana repetition, our type 18/19 aug procs, etc, plus it means more procs of gift of mana and other things too. It does, however, proc synergy less since I only have one version of minddrift up. Anyway, here are the spell sets:

Infused Minion
Omica's Animation
Shield of Destiny
Hastening of Cekenar
Voice of Sagacity
Deviser's Unity
Shield of Restless Ice
Legion of Cekenar
Transfixer's Auspice
Legion of Kildrukuan
Twincast Aura
Crepuscular Rune

A couple of notes on buffs. I always keep up one enthrall spell just in case I have to mez while buffing. All of the runes listed stack, so they should all be MGB'd on a raid (Crepuscular is group only, not MGBable). I rarely see an enchanter casting all the runes on a raid or group. It is worth taking the time. In addition, Glyph Spray and Reactive rune (group only) should be used, in raid or group. For self, always buff with MindShadow and Eldritch rune. There are some overwrites on the list above, but everything either benefits you more, or benefits the group more by casting.

Raid Lineup:
Dissident Reinforcement (Dicho)
Floater spell: Usually AE Mez or Stun
Chromatic Covenant
Constraining Coil
Proclamation of Tashan
Deviser's Unity
PolyCascading Assault
Chromatic Stab
Pulmonary Grip
Mana Replication Aura

Group Lineup:
Dissident Reinforcement (Dicho)
Neutralizing Wave
Deceiving Flash
Constraining Coil
Proclamation of Tashan
Deviser's Unity
PolyCascading Assault
Chromatic Stab
Pulmonary Grip
Mana Replication Aura

So some thoughts on dps. I personally click spells to cast, I don't have macros, and I don't use number keys. I can't say that is the best way, but that is the approach that I take. I should also point out that I double click the spell gem, in case I get a fizzle. I have a large number of spells cast per raid. If you aren't as OCD as me, the macro approach might be better, just accept fizzles and problems if you need to interrupt your dps for another purpose. You will notice that I have 2 auras in my normal line up - Twincast, and Mana Replication. Those 2 maximize dps. A third is spell focus (Fortifying aura).

My priority order of casting spells is the following:
First, your main 2 dots: Mind Coil and Pulmonary Grip - when they are about ready to drop, recast them, as nothing else matters more from a dps perspective
PolyCascading Assault
Chromatic Stab

One thing about PolyCascading Assault - it has a faster refresh than your other nukes. So I like to cast like this Minddrift, PolyCascading Assault, Chromatic Stab, PolyCascading Assault, Minddrift. You will noticed that PolyCascading Assault is cast every other nuke. Interrupt the above order when a dot is wearing off or Dicho refreshes.

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