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List of Cures

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:33 pm
by Hrendra
LIST OF CURES: In order of most effective to least. Healers should know their most effective cures for each situation. Too often I see or present AE info with the number of counters, then hear "XXX didn't cure it!" A lot of times, the person saying that is using the wrong cure. And really, there's no excuse for an SK to know cures better than a priest. :) If there's any additions or corrections, please make them.

I haven't listed weapon procs or item clickies, for the simple reason that while it's expected that all curers will be able to attain their spells, it isn't necessarily as likely that all of them will have specific items. This is meant to be a catch-all list that allows people to gain knowledge about their abilities, but also to enable raid leaders to accurately place curers in groups depending on the event.

Disease Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 disease counters (36/36).
Abolish Disease (SHM/48 BST/63) -- 36 disease counters. 6 sec, 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 disease counters. 5 sec, 234 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 disease counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 disease counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 disease counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Disease (CLR/28 PAL/56 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/22 NEC/36 BST/45)-- 8 disease counters. 4 sec. 50 mana.

Disease Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 disease counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 21 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52) -- 18 disease counters. 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 disease counters. 3.5 sec.

Poison Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 poison counters (36/36).
Antidote (CLR/58) -- 64 poison counters. 3sec. 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 poison counters. 5sec. 234 mana
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 poison counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 poison counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 poison counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Poison (CLR/22 PAL/34 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/26 BST/61) -- 8 poison counters. 4sec. 50 mana

Poison Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 poison counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69)-- 21 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52)-- 18 poison counters (9,9) 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 poison counters. 3.5 sec.

Curse Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 curse counters (36/36).
Remove Greater Curse (CLR/54 PAL/60 DRU/54 SHM/54) -- 45 curse counters. 6sec. 100 mana.
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 16 curse counters. 5 sec. 234 mana.
Remove Curse (CLR/38 PAL/45 DRU/38 SHM/38) -- 8 curse counters. 5 sec. 75 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63) -- 5 curse counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Aria of Innocence (BRD/52) -- 4 curse counters base (2/2) pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 12 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.

Curse Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 14 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 7 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.

Detrimental Cures: Single
Pure Spirit (SHM/69)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:44 pm
by Vadian
Cleansing of Marr (Blade of Forgotten Faith proc)
Group Cure:
5 Disease Counters
5 Poison Counters

Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 16 curse counters. 5 sec. 234 mana.
Remove Greater Curse (CLR/54 PAL/60 DRU/54 SHM/54) -- 45 curse counters. 6sec. 100 mana.

45 > 16
>_> :D

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:05 pm
by Guest ... ource=Live
Aria of Asceticism
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 10 (L64)
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 10 (L64)
3 second cast, no recast delay, no mana consumed

The base counters are scaled by Jamfest to 11. With an easily obtained 2.2 wind mod (epic 1.5 or shoulders from potime Saryrn), and all instrument AA's (0.8 mod bonus), you're looking at a minimum of 33 poison/disease counters cured every 3 seconds with no recast delay. Rikkukin legs (2.7 mod) will cure 39 counters, and so on.

Not mentioning one of the best single target poison/disease cures in game makes me a sad panda. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:12 pm
by Giiana
I believe rc recast is 2 minutes also? aa's can lower it by 10,20,30%

still working towards last level of quickened curing myself but haven't had much time to aa exp.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:20 pm
by Hrendra
Vjek's completely right, I neglected the bard cure/curse songs. That was a definite oversight. I'll add Asceticism and Innocence later.

When I threw this together this morning I was thinking of cases where we'd have a dedicated curer, and I'm not used to thinking of bards in that way.

I won't list the proc, Vadian, beacuse you can't rely on it proccing. It's uncontrolled.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:03 pm
by Guest
Aria of Asceticism is also a poison cure :P

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:20 pm
by Boondeg
One note to remember ... The Pure Blood for a Shaman is Blood of Nadox ... The REAL point to remember is that for Shaman it is a GROUP spell not a single target. It's group only so can't hit outside groups but all at once is a HUGE plus when all need a cure!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:04 am
by Rezzum Healemup
Also overlooked is the cleric epics 1.5/2.0 which removes 9 counters of detrimental effects. This combined with other effects can be enough to remove those last few counters.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:28 pm
by Trolik
Pure Spirit (shm lvl 69) isnt mentioned. It cures any spell that does not have posion or disease counters which makes it kinda dumb, things ive used it on ~ Planes shift (time) TT (time) Charm (RS mob charm). It also cures snares(was just thinking, hanvar snare?) and Yarlir's force quake which i just found out on the cruicible

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:35 pm
by Vadian
It also cures snares(was just thinking, hanvar snare?)

Chains of Anguish is the snare from Hanvar, its 50 Curse counters, so RGC can cure it, problem is that 70% spell slow the aoe has as well. Not sure if that means if Pure Spirit can cure it, but. . .Arrrrr! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:35 am
by Stuurm
Radiant Cure 1 removes (1) detrimental
Radiant Cure 2 removes (3) detrimental
Radiant Cure 3 removes (6) detrimental
Resplendent cure 1 removes (9) detrimental
Resplendent cure 2 removes (12) detrimental
Resplendent Cure 3 removes (15) detrimental

Just wanted to fill in those gaps in info. All the info comes from Lucy.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:05 am
by khraul
quick question, how many counters does spell: cure disease remove?

*edit* nm I found it heh, it cures 4 counters

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:05 pm
by zortho
what cures those itchy sores around kitts's sphinxter