List of Cures
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:33 pm
LIST OF CURES: In order of most effective to least. Healers should know their most effective cures for each situation. Too often I see or present AE info with the number of counters, then hear "XXX didn't cure it!" A lot of times, the person saying that is using the wrong cure. And really, there's no excuse for an SK to know cures better than a priest. :) If there's any additions or corrections, please make them.
I haven't listed weapon procs or item clickies, for the simple reason that while it's expected that all curers will be able to attain their spells, it isn't necessarily as likely that all of them will have specific items. This is meant to be a catch-all list that allows people to gain knowledge about their abilities, but also to enable raid leaders to accurately place curers in groups depending on the event.
Disease Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 disease counters (36/36).
Abolish Disease (SHM/48 BST/63) -- 36 disease counters. 6 sec, 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 disease counters. 5 sec, 234 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 disease counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 disease counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 disease counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Disease (CLR/28 PAL/56 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/22 NEC/36 BST/45)-- 8 disease counters. 4 sec. 50 mana.
Disease Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 disease counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 21 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52) -- 18 disease counters. 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 disease counters. 3.5 sec.
Poison Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 poison counters (36/36).
Antidote (CLR/58) -- 64 poison counters. 3sec. 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 poison counters. 5sec. 234 mana
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 poison counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 poison counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 poison counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Poison (CLR/22 PAL/34 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/26 BST/61) -- 8 poison counters. 4sec. 50 mana
Poison Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 poison counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69)-- 21 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52)-- 18 poison counters (9,9) 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 poison counters. 3.5 sec.
Curse Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 curse counters (36/36).
Remove Greater Curse (CLR/54 PAL/60 DRU/54 SHM/54) -- 45 curse counters. 6sec. 100 mana.
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 16 curse counters. 5 sec. 234 mana.
Remove Curse (CLR/38 PAL/45 DRU/38 SHM/38) -- 8 curse counters. 5 sec. 75 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63) -- 5 curse counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Aria of Innocence (BRD/52) -- 4 curse counters base (2/2) pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 12 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Curse Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 14 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 7 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Detrimental Cures: Single
Pure Spirit (SHM/69)
I haven't listed weapon procs or item clickies, for the simple reason that while it's expected that all curers will be able to attain their spells, it isn't necessarily as likely that all of them will have specific items. This is meant to be a catch-all list that allows people to gain knowledge about their abilities, but also to enable raid leaders to accurately place curers in groups depending on the event.
Disease Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 disease counters (36/36).
Abolish Disease (SHM/48 BST/63) -- 36 disease counters. 6 sec, 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 disease counters. 5 sec, 234 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 disease counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 disease counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 disease counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Disease (CLR/28 PAL/56 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/22 NEC/36 BST/45)-- 8 disease counters. 4 sec. 50 mana.
Disease Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 disease counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 21 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52) -- 18 disease counters. 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 disease counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 disease counters. 3.5 sec.
Poison Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 poison counters (36/36).
Antidote (CLR/58) -- 64 poison counters. 3sec. 100 mana
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 32 poison counters. 5sec. 234 mana
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63)-- 20 poison counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Pure Blood (CLR/51 DRU/52) -- 18 poison counters. 2.5 sec. 100 mana.
Aria of Asceticism (BRD/45) -- 11 poison counters base with JF3 pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 33 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Counteract Poison (CLR/22 PAL/34 RNG/61 DRU/28 SHM/26 BST/61) -- 8 poison counters. 4sec. 50 mana
Poison Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 poison counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69)-- 21 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Blood of Nadox (SHM/52)-- 18 poison counters (9,9) 7.5sec, 300 mana
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 14 poison counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 poison counters. 3.5 sec.
Curse Cures
Purify Soul (CLR-AA) -- 72 curse counters (36/36).
Remove Greater Curse (CLR/54 PAL/60 DRU/54 SHM/54) -- 45 curse counters. 6sec. 100 mana.
Crusader's Purity (PAL/67) -- 16 curse counters. 5 sec. 234 mana.
Remove Curse (CLR/38 PAL/45 DRU/38 SHM/38) -- 8 curse counters. 5 sec. 75 mana.
Crusader's Touch (PAL/63) -- 5 curse counters. 5 sec. 180 mana.
Aria of Innocence (BRD/52) -- 4 curse counters base (2/2) pre-mods. With 2.2 mod and Imp.Inst.Mastery (.8), 12 counters. Bard-dependent. 3 sec. Manafree.
Curse Cures: Group
Resplendent Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 19, 22, 25 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Vivification (CLR/69) -- 14 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1357 mana.
Radiant Cure 1, 2, 3 (CLR/PAL/SHM/DRU-AA) -- 9, 12, 16 curse counters. 3.5 sec.
Word of Replenishment (CLR/64) -- 7 curse counters. 4.5sec, 1100 mana.
Detrimental Cures: Single
Pure Spirit (SHM/69)