I can't believe this thread is 5 pages long. I'm going to say this again so everyone knows about the ranger class. Rangers bid on every melee 1h because SOE did a big time royal screwing by not giving us a class specific weapon. Everyone thinks it is a bow, but it isn't. People need to get their minds out of the PoP expansion and realize this is 2011, almost 2012. SOE doesn't recognize the ranger class as ranged only. This is why they gave us a 2.0 sword. Furthermore, we dual wield mostly and that means we have to bid on more weapons, not because we want to. Bows for rangers are only good for BURNS only. A ranger using a bow on a non burn unless told specifically to range, is lazy. Sorry if it offends people, but it is true. Shooting a bow on trash and non burns is barely any dps even with the best bow available. 2H are only great with the bard AA quicktime, otherwise it is a waste, unless it is a new ranger that is poorly equipped with weapons and they are: A. Catching up or B. need a specific weapon for certain raid events (Vishmitar Eggs). Luckily, we haven't had an event that requires using slash, pierce, or blunts during HoT and thank goodness. No ranger I know wants to bid against a tank or rogue, but if they have something we know is better and it upgrades us, yes we'll bid. As for the procs, enough has been said about it. A huge failure by SOE again. For me, this is the first time I've been with the best end game raid weapons for a current expansion ever. This means, I shouldn't need any new weapon upgrades until T3 of the VoA expansion. I had no idea SS would be such a cake walk either or I would have forgone T3 weapons all together. I don't think my class should be limited to using a crappy, 26dly 1hb with stun proc for two tiers either when ratio is key to our dps. However, SOE I suspect with their gear resets every expansion will introduce T4 group weapons on par with HoT lower tier raid weapons. I truly hope this doesn't happen, but history since SOF has shown it will repeat itself. Every damn expansion since SOF has been gear reset. SOE does this to get new players and forget the current player base because they know they have your money. This is why so many cancel their subscriptions evey expansion. Nothing like having all that time and effort trivialized in one day.
I'm fine with rule changes, that is life. If 9 rangers are bidding for the bow, the highest bidder or highest random wins. It becomes a bidding war between the class. The only way I can see this going for 1 is if most have that item already. What I'm concerned with is the many avenues this will lead to. One path then branches out to many. Saneylene makes a lot of good points in her post. Casters rely on their foci, healers rely on healing foci and spells, priests rely on heals and buffs too. DPS rely on weapons more than anything else. Everyone has something important to their class/archetype and when does it all end? Tanks rely on the gear specifically. I agree Jaerlyn, a group geared tank isn't going to cut it compared to a raid geared tank. I don't agree they get priority on everything. Hell Warriors didn't use shields until SoF due to the AA.
Imo, this opens up a lot of headaches for leadership to monitor and it is a logistics nightmare. I know because I have led raids many times in my EQ time and I have seen this kind of stuff get complicated fast, even if it does have good intentions. Sliggoth is right in his post and I was with him when this was happening in our old raid force. At least you guys have attendance. The guild I know of that beat HoT in December 2010 does loot by merit, not by class needs. I'm sure some guilds do priority for plate tanks and healers, but not many I know of do that now. Personally, I like the old system you guys have been using. If people want gear, raid more and earn it. Nobody should expect to have stuff handed to them. For the record, I never complained when a warrior won the T3 bow. Why? Because I didn't have my raid attendance up and the warrior did. Did it suck, yes, but Imo,he earned it regardless if it was immediate upgrade for me or any other ranger at that time. I don't disagree with the rule change, but I do believe there should be a 1 loot limit for the night if they get that designated item regardless if it is 1 or 1 million. It just seems common sense fair to everyone else. Also, can you not just use the all time dkp earned or who has the highest current raid attendance percentage for those designated classes? It works great for keys, why not just apply that to the shields, bows, and 2H? Just a thought. Perhaps use the alltime dkp list along with current raid attendance percentage and charge what you as leadership feels is appropriate points for the item?
I hate to see folks that I've made friends with over the past year fight and complain over things like loot, especially when SOE is the one to blame This would be much easier if each tier had a Ranger only bow and Berzerker only 2h. Perhaps give bards something to make sure all classes get a class specialization tiered item. When SOE used to do these things, those items rotted often and many felt they were a waste. Anyone remember that SK wpn from Anguish
? Also, just because a class get a class specific weapon doesn't mean it is a common drop. Of all the SS clears, we've have yet to see a Leypse piercer for Rogues and only one warrior only sword from event 2. Anyway I hope this thread dies and look forward to seeing everyone in game.