Raid MA, rotting items, /randoming at chest, looting items

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Raid MA, rotting items, /randoming at chest, looting items

Post by Xslia »

I know we have a few new raiders joining us and that we are trying to change up some things on raids to make it go smoother.

For being MA on raid - read this post - viewtopic.php?f=42&t=15313&p=77614#p77614

For Click coordination - read this post - viewtopic.php?f=42&t=14427

If you cannot see either of those posts - then you are not registered and/or if registered need access to the active raiders forums. let me know in game or here if you need access.

Now for Looting items... NEVER LOOT ANYTHING from a chest until it is cleared - even items that have rotted and been called Free for All (FFA) for a gizallion raid nights before. Until we call it again on the current raid - it is not pre-lootable by anyone. period. And please check your random against others - I make mistakes - I may miss someones higher random - it's your job just as well to ensure that someone else did not out random you.

Now for doing /random's for loot - We have a rule - you /random near chest - there is a reason for this, the person doing the auction of the item needs to see and confirm your /random. the intent is not so much as to get it into my log files. there have been times in the past that people running thru zones would say I was late getting to chest I randomed at old spot - and no one to confirm his roll. then here were the friend groups that would all say yes to a friend rolling high - and being out of range of the main area - this did not go over well, so hence the need to be close to the chest to do your /randoms.

Now for loot. if you bid on it, we assume it's an upgrade... NOT for "situational" use or because you assumed someone has not bid in 20 seconds that it is rotting, it is rotting when NO ONE BIDS that it is an upgrade for. Here is a new rule for you - ALL First auctions of an item are for upgrades period. if no one bids then we open it up for Situational usage or alts. If you are bidding on the first auction of an item - you better be darn prepared to justify it as an upgrade. period. If you are caught bidding on an item that is not an upgrade and you wanted it for the click or "situational" usage or thought it was rotting - expect about a 2 week no raid policy to hit you or longer if we have to have loot discussions with you more then one time. It pains me to see someone bag an item over a raider that it was an upgrade for, this will not be tolerated.

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