PL'ing services and software cheats using 3rd party programs

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PL'ing services and software cheats using 3rd party programs

Post by Xslia »

I know i've posted on this in the past but I'm going to post again the my views and the thoughts of public leadership on this topic.

We do not endorse or support anyone who uses 3rd party software to "cheat" at the gameplay. Some call it "MQ'ing" which covers a broad spectrum of software that could be use to take down a raid mob with one group or a bot'ted group. It's software that when added in allows them to bypass or turn off aspects of the game play.

We also do not endorse anyone giving their account information out to anyone who promises them AA's, orum, Chronobines, or levels while they sleep or work. This is a method used by people who could potentially use your account for software cheats and place it at risk, not their own account, of being banned by Sony if caught.

In the past if we know of someone farming for orum or chronobines in missions that flag people we might say hey contact so and so and see if they have room in their group. This is BY NO MEANS an endorsement by any leader that you should turn over your account/password to anyone. It just means that we know someone farming missions that if they have room might can help. And the person farming has the right to say sorry - group's full or I'm not doing those missions anymore. We understand that on occasion some type of bartering might be done - hey I'll give you the orum/chronobines from that mission if I can come, I just need the flag, or I'll help you with X quests. If you have given out your password to anyone with the promises of getting you AA's or Levels, I strongly recommend you change your password immediately.

Public will NOT be used as a base of operations to target new raiders and promising them "X" items, AA's, levels, for cash. If you are approached by any member of public and offered AA's, Levels, or flags for cash, screen print it and send it to one of the leaders.


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