Xslia wrote:Weather it was in tells or PM's Eagles, it was the fact your rot point was 350 for an item if you wanted it over another class - shield or 2hdr. That does not make you any different from anyone else that has "rot points", but I will go back and correct the 350 to 150, some of the information gets a bit garbled over the months when I'm log in and end up in night tell lock downs because someone was ask not to bid and they are having heartburn over it. It make me ineffective as dps on raids because I'm having to deal with the fallout of the tells, explain the situation, etc. I want this raid force equipped as raiders.
My point was that the point I would bid for something that would have replaced a group gear item that I use a lot. It was not really a "rot point" something at 350 is not rot. I imagine everyone has differnt "drop out" points based on what gear they have in that spot. For example I will go higher on a back item (group gear), or a neck item (tower), or range (Kranigan steel behemoths) then I would on legs (T3). And as I objected to the post wether 350 or 150 the Berserker got the item not the monk. A "monk" did not get an item for any points then over a berserker, the berserker got it and the system worked. Having talked to Stomp about that particular item he had a higher stop point then I did, would he have preferred to get it for 1, sure who would not but it did not get priced out of hsi range to the detriment of the raid force.
For example the mask that dropped last night from SS4 is a very nice mask with Backstab +25. Yes this is obviously much more usful for a rogue and Kotter wound up getting it. I dropped out when he raised it to 100 because it was past the point I would bid for it, my mask is Convorteum. My point is that everyone values differnt items trough their own lens and partialy by how much DKP they have stored up. What might be worth 20 DKP to one person might be worth 100 DKP to someone else, that is why we bid on stuff rather then using a flat price system. By helping the 20 DKP person you are harming the person who wanted it more.
Now this may be just my "politcal thought" leaking into the game..... But when government decides to "help the free market" I find it usually makes things worse. *laugh* and this next line is meant as a joke.... "Perhaps we should have a 25% tax on people with over 50% attend to be distributed among those who have the misfortune to not be able to raid as much". Or put it in a slush fund to help those who made poor decisions in the past and overspent on items....
Ok enough of my politcal rant